domingo, 10 de diciembre de 2017

European Commission


What is the European Commission?

European Union is an International Organization which is formed by three legal organs; the legislative organ (European Parliament and Council), the judicial organ (European Court of Justice) and the executive organ (European Commission).  

The European Commission has the aim of defending the interests of the EU as a whole, by proposing new EU laws and policies, controlling their implementation and managing the EU budget. It also plays a significant role in supporting international development and delivering aid.

How is it organized?

The European Commission is divided into  departments that develop policies for specific areas ,such as Health, Human Resources or Trade.  Each department is headed by Commissioners; there is one Commissioner from each EU country (28), and they are reelected  every 5 years. Overall, the Commission works under the leadership of the President Jean-Claude Juncker. Together they take decisions on the Commission's political and strategic direction and propose laws, funding programmes and the annual budget for discussion and adoption by Parliament and the Council. 
 It is very important for the European Comission to work together in certain aspects for a better development of their priorities, which are jobs, growth and investment, energy union and climate, Migration, Internal market...The Commission also care about technology, and innovatios for the improvement of life of their citizens. 

These are two examples of  recent news which deals with  relevant issues for the European Commission; technology and migration.

Commission gives new support for EU regions working together on High-tech projects

The Commission is proposing a strategy to reach an agreement on how to pursue a sustainable migration policy.

How is it executed?

Before the Commission proposes a new policy or law, it:

1)Describes the initiative in a draft.

2)Examines the potential economic, social and environmental consequences that might have this new policy or law.

3) Take into  account the opinion of the citizens and stakeholders, by public consultations.

Once the draft text is finalized,  all relevant departments are consulted.  After that, the initiative should be agreed on by the Commission during the Commissioners' weekly meetings. The text of the initiative is  sent to the European Parliament and Council -for its approvement-, as well as to those it is intended for, such as the EU member countries. 

Ingrid Pertile

Patricia López-Hermoso